Sabtu, 16 Maret 2019 - Jakarta,
إنا لله وإن إليه راجعون
We, Islamic Student Front, Really Condemn Barbaric act of terrorist in New Zealand who killed our moslem brothers during jum'ah Prayer.
This Tragedy is a proof that Islamophobia is very dangerous ideology and can't be tolerated
May our Moslem brothers die as syuhada and granted jannah by Allah SWT Sumber - Jakarta,
إنا لله وإن إليه راجعون
We, Islamic Student Front, Really Condemn Barbaric act of terrorist in New Zealand who killed our moslem brothers during jum'ah Prayer.
This Tragedy is a proof that Islamophobia is very dangerous ideology and can't be tolerated
May our Moslem brothers die as syuhada and granted jannah by Allah SWT Sumber